28 AUGUST 1875, page 1

The Scene In The Herzegovina Appears To Be Growing Clearer.

The Six Powers have signified to the Porte that self-government of some sort must be conceded to the districts in insurrection, and the Divan, after an internal spasm, signified......

The Times Announces That A Russian Expedition, Organised...

secrecy, has started to occupy Merv, and is probably by this time in possession of a city which is the best stepping- stone to the conquest of Herat. Russia cannot, however,......

Reuter Forwards A Telegram (august 27) From St....

will require a great deal of confirmation, but which is curiously suggestive. Yakoob Khan, the ruler of Kashgar, who has long been threatened by the Chinese, has assumed the......

Captain Webb, A Merchant Mate, Originally Trained In The...

training-ship, Liverpool, and remarkable for many feats of pluck and prowess in the water, has this week beaten every swimmer on record, and made himself a name in history. He......

News Of The Week.

T HERE may be serious danger ahead in China. It is stated in a telegram from China to Bombay that Mr. Wade's endeavours to obtain an inquiry into the murder of Mr. Margary have......

It Would Appear That Russia Is By No Means Altogether

pleased with the course affairs have taken. She cannot help aiding the Christians against the Turks, but she wanted to have the credit of being their protector, which now she......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any...
