28 AUGUST 1875, page 22

Current Literature.

The Ilisto2y of Japan. Vol. IL 1865-1871. By F. 0. Adams. (Henry S. King.) — It is too much that a stout volume of nearly 850 pages should be devoted to the history of Japan for......

Air As Fuel. By Owen C. D., Ross. (spon.)-41r. Bess

has belled himself with the inquiry into possible substitutes for coal. His capti- vating title is a not very clear way of setting forth one at least of the results at which he......

Restless Human Hearts. By Richard Jefferies. 3 Vols....

is one of the novels which we would gladly pass over in silence. Bnt it seems a duty to warn possible readers against what is an offensive and even noxious book, while at the......


Tins spirited volume, which consists of papers originally con- tributed to Bally's Magazine, will be read with pleasure not by the sportsman alone, but by all who love a good......