[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—May I offer you a word of thanks for the leniency you show in dealing with the appalling mistake I made in my attempted condemnation of the misuse of the word "like" (Spectator, December 21st) ? Of course, what I wanted to find fault with was the use of "like" in the place of "as," which we must all have been forced to hear. I had originally written "Like she does in everything." This was inadvertently corrected to "Like everything she does," which, as you point out, is perfectly correct. But I cannot excuse myself for the absurdity of the gibe as the phrase stood; nor exonerate myself for this blatant exhibition of the blind trying to lead the clear-sighted. I therefore thank you sincerely for your considerate correction, by which I shall hope to profit.—I am, 51 Bedford Square.
[We can sincerely sympathise with Lady Grove over her annoying misprint, for we have all suffered from the demon of perversity who every now and then contrives to defeat the best efforts of printers, proof-readers, and writers. Think of the dismay caused by the dropping of an "r" in the announce- ment at the end of an entry in the " Deaths " column,—" Fiends will please accept this intimation." That could only be due to daemonic influence.—ED. Spectator.]