Meantime A Curious Situation Has Arisen In The Irish...
Party. A Conference has been held in Dublin with a view to reconcile the Parliamentary Party, represented by Mr. John Redmond, the chairman, and Mr. William O'Brien, and on......
We Have Little Sympathy With Those Englishmen Who Seem To
think they have a right to dictate to the people of Italy how they should manage their affairs and lay out their cities because Italy showered on the world in the past the......
Sir William Pearce, The Late Chairman Of The Fairfield...
Company, who died on November 2nd last, left the bulk of his property, subject to his wife's life interest, to Trinity College, Cambridge. By the death of Lady Pearce, which......
We Are Glad To See In The Current Number Of
Truth an article dwelling strongly upon the dangers of the present system of identifying prisoners. The witness has a number of persons paraded before him, and be then picks out......
On The Same Day On Which This Settlement 'was Arrived
at Mr. Gwynn and Mr. Kettle, speaking at Abbeyleix, strongly deprecated any concessions to Mr. William O'Brien, an attitude which it is believed is shared by Mr. Dillon and a......
Mr. Ginnell, M.p., Was Charged Yesterday Week With Con-...
of Court in having advocated cattle-driving on an estate under the control of the Land Court, and sentenced to six months' imprisonment by Mr. Justice Ross. As Mr. Ginnell did......
The Banquet To The Veterans Of The Indian Mutiny Success-
fully organised by the proprietors of the Daily Telegraph was held in the Albert Hall on Monday. Of the eleven hundred sur- vivors of the campaigns of 1857-58, upwards of five......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Nov. 7th. Consols (2i) were on Friday 82i--on Friday week 84.......