Meantime a curious situation has arisen in the Irish Nationalist
Party. A Conference has been held in Dublin with a view to reconcile the Parliamentary Party, represented by Mr. John Redmond, the chairman, and Mr. William O'Brien, and on Sunday last an agreement was arrived at on the basis that the existing party pledge bound members of the Irish Parliamentary Party to support, in and out of Parliament, any decision come to by the majority of the party. It was, however, laid down that, pending the attainment of an Irish Parliament and a responsible Irish Minister with full control of all purely Irish affairs, it was " the duty of all Nationalist representatives of Ireland to devote themselves earnestly to working for every measure of practical amelioration which it may be possible to obtain for her people from either English party, or from both " ; and to welcome the co-operation of all classes and creeds willing to aid in attaining any or all of their objects.