Official Year - Book Of Scientific And Learned Societies....
Co. 7s. 6d.)—This volume is a "record of the work done in science, literature, and art during the Session 1906-1907." It is arranged in fourteen sections. The first is " General......
With Shelley In Italy. By Anna Benneson Mcmahan. (t. Fisher
Unwin. 5s. net.)—" No attempt," writes Miss McMahan in her preface, "has been made to set [Shelley's] poems in their original environment, or to conduct the reader himself into......
Theodore Roosevelt, The Boy And The Man. By James Morgan.
(Macmillan and Co. 6s.) — This book, says Mr. Morgan in his "Foreword," "does not pretend to be an analysis of the indi- vidual, and it was not written with the intention of......
The Writers' And Artists' Year - Book. (a And C. Black. Is.
net.) —This volume is a " Directory for Writers, Artists, and Photo- graphers,"—i.e., it supplies information as to the best way of " placing stories and articles." The people......
The Red Cap. By Edward Sydney Tylee. (nelson And Sons.
5s.)—Mr. Tylee gives us here a very vigorous picture of the Revolution in France. Philip Aston, a lad of fourteen, of partly French descent, comes to Havre, on his way to Paris,......
In The Track Of Stevenson. By J. A. Hammerton. (j.
W. Arrowsmith, Bristol. 6s.)—Mr. Hammerton follows in the "track of Stevenson" in the first and second of his ten descrip- tions of travel. But these two occupy nearly half of......
Walford's County Families Of The United Kingdom....
Co. 50s.)—Mr. Edward Walford, who projected this work now nearly half-a-century ago, foresaw the difficulty of making it perfect. It is a "Manual of the Titled and Untitled......
A Second Edition Of The Architecture Of Greece And Rpme,
by William J. Anderson and R. Phene Spiers (B. T. Batsford, 18s. net), has appeared "revised and enlarged" by R. Phone Spiers. Additions have been made to the representations of......
Papers Of The British School At Rome, Vol. Iv. (macmillan
and Co. 31s. 6d. net.)—This fourth instalment of the work of the school may be said to indicate by its contents the range of its subjects. Mr. T. E. Peet's paper on "The Early......
Almanach Hachette. (hachette, Et Cie. 3 Francs.)—our...
aware that a French almanac differs considerably from an English. Many things are to be found in Hachette that are not to be found, say, in " Whitaker "; others that we should......