Almanach Hachette. (Hachette, et Cie. 3 francs.)—Our readers are probably
aware that a French almanac differs considerably from an English. Many things are to be found in Hachette that are not to be found, say, in " Whitaker "; others that we should consider to be essential about Parliament, the Services, &c., are absent. This difference gives the book a special interest, not to speak of its usefulness. Useful, of course, it is in the very highest degree. It is an " Encyclopedic de la Vie Pratique," and amply justifies its title. Here is an example, the budget of a bride. "Les jeunes files qui se marient" have not always, we are told, a dot, but they almost always have a trousseau. If the relatives do not furnish it, the bridegroom does. Here, then, the bride to be may see how she should deal with the money, estimates being given for 50,000 francs down to 200. In all of them we see tinge de la Taoism included. That is not an item, we take it, in an English trousseau.