In The Same Way The Parents Who Find That Their
children if underfed will be taken off their hands, and that the money which they used to be obliged to spend on them can go in other ways, whereas if their children are......
We Do Not Profess To Be Able To Judge Whether
there is anything substantial in these allegations, but at any rate they are serious enough to demand the attention of the American public. If they are true, or only partially......
It Was Announced On Tuesday That, With The Consent Of
the British Government, the Egyptian authorities have decided to pardon all the Denshawi prisoners, and that they would be released on the Khedive's accession day. There are,......
Mcclure's Magazine For January Contains An Article On The...
of the United States Navy by Mr. Henry Reuterdahl, Associate of the United States Naval Institute and American editor of Mr. Jane's "Fighting Ships," which is bound to attract a......
On Saturday Last A Letter Signed By Lord Rosebery, Lord
Rothschild, Lord Avebury, and Mr. Balfour was published in the Press appealing to the public to provide the funds to feed those London school-children who may be ascertained to......
The Banquet To The Veterans Of The Indian Mutiny Success-
fully organised by the proprietors of the Daily Telegraph was held in the Albert Hall on Monday. Of the eleven hundred sur- vivors of the campaigns of 1857-58, upwards of five......
The Defect Of The United States Armoured Cruisers Is Alleged
to be as great, while of the broadside guns of the American ships it is said that they are even more unsatisfactory as regards position than those in the forward turrets. The......