The defect of the United States armoured cruisers is alleged
to be as great, while of the broadside guns of the American ships it is said that they are even more unsatisfactory as regards position than those in the forward turrets. The third allegation is even more alarmist. It deals with the "open shaft to the magazine." This "open shaft" is declared to be a cause of terrible danger, and to have already led to several serious explosions. The poor protection afforded for the guns' crews in the case of the American battleships, the insufficient ammunition hoists, and the lack of torpedoes and destroyers are other allegations contained in this most pessimistic article. Complaint, moreover, is not confined to matters of construction. It is declared that the commanding officers are much too old, and that the crews of the ships are given no adequate training. For instance, it is asserted that the American ships have only had ten days of battle drill in nine years! Again, we are told that "the bureau management of the Navy " is very much in fault, resists reform, and repels the inventor.