READABLE NOVELS. —21. Charming Girl. By Esnie Stuart. (Greening and
Co. 6s.)—A story of modern life. It will not take the reader very long to discover the sense in which the author uses the adjective "charming."—The Moon of Bat-h. By Beth Ellis. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—A novel which is both entertaining and exciting. Bath is the scene of a Jacobite conspiracy, and the adventures of the different personages are excitingly told. The date of the story is 1745.—The Boats of the Glen-Carrig.' By William Hope Hodgson. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—A story of the romantic adventures of some shipwrecked men in the year 1755.—The Brass Bowl. By Louis Joseph Vance. (E. Grant Richards. 6s.)—" A novel of sensation" with a very ingeniously contrived plot.