Dotty Left, What Now? Constantine FitzGibbon Victims of Nazism G.
V. Mortimer Back to the Charter C. P. Walton
Estate Agents
S. R. Nevelt, S. L • Mould and H. C. Phillips Washing Machines D. M. Keegan Pistol-Packing Nicolas Walter Brunei Our Correspondent New Power Arising J. P. Bardsley Sky Bolt Song G. Reichardt DOTTY LEFT, WHAT NOW?
SIR.—Perhaps never have a group of soi-distant in- tellectuals been more totally wrong. and been proved more totally wrong, than the British dotty Left as 1962 nears its end. There is. however, very little Sign that they will admit this. Only the other day, forty of them, from Abse to Zilliaeus, as Lord Morrison remarked, all in theory members of that Labour Party which the dotty Left has succeeded in castrating—to the immense regret of all clear- thinking democrats—were writing the usual non- sensical screed to The Times, while their ancient
mascot, Lord Russell, praises the Chinese for their moderation in invading India. For years they have been advancing views and even advocating policies that now lie in ruins about them. Germany, for example, has since the war been O n the verge of going Nazi again. China, it may be recalled, was supposed to have had something called a Green Revolution in 1948-49. If only the Americans would stop backing that aged gangster of theirs on Formosa, . . But then, what can be
expected of a brash young country like the United States, where McCarthy was king? That was not SO long ago. Castro, it will also oe recalled, was another charming liberal reformer. Those who suggested that
be looked and sounded like a Communist were derided as hysterics, McCarthyites and so on. When he Came out and said that he had been a Communist all along, an ingenious line was evolved. He would
not have been a Communist all along, had it not been for American hysteria, etcetera. When the Kussians installed their rockets in Central America, The dotty Left immediately blamed the United States ror the resultant crisis. 'Hands off Cuba!' The
Americans must above all do nothing, lest they start a war, The deterrent, we have been told in season and
out of season for these past fifteen years, would never deter because it could never be used. Better 'tired than dead! We have seen in the acute crisis the Past weeks, as in the slow crisis of these last Years, that the deterrent does in fact deter, and
Without being used. Nehru's tragic face on the tele- vision screens has shown clearly enough what hap-
Liens to a country when its leader accepts, in large ure, the views of the English dotty Left and t._aekaess as his chief adviser a local product of the same
brand What avails all the talk about moral leader- ship and uncommitted nations, while the Indian army is in rout in Assam, unclothed, unarmed. -and until recently unted?
_ It'LanY of them looked and still look to Com- munism as the final solution to their hatred of our Society with its Christian principles and its demo-
.rat methods. But even they must be beginning ealise that while Communism may still be a living force in France and in Italy, in its homeland, Germany, and in the Fatherland of the Proletariat, Russia, it is a dead issue, as dead in real politics as is the Christian issue in England. Were it not for the Red Army and for the Chinese People's Army, Communism would now be where it belongs, in the museum of history.
What rubbish will they think up next? What huge balloon of a cause will they inflate and demonstrate about in Trafalgar Sqoare and outside the United States Embassy? Or will they perhaps adopt another line? There are some indications that they are already doing so. Politics is a dirty business, they may say. This can be proved by the best dialectical methods. Thesis, the dotty. Left is always, by definition, right: antithesis, the dotty Left is always proved to be wrong: synthesis, politics is a dirty business in which the sons of light can never triumph, for politics is concerned with power (ugh!) and national interests, not, or not enough, with moral leadership and great woolly inter- national ideologies. Therefore anyone who is ac- tively engaged in real' politics, from Mr. Gaitskell to Lord Sandwich, anyone who would like to win an election and implement a policy with the nation's support. is a dirty pro.
Already they have achieved one partial victory in this new anti-democratic campaign. It is almost im- possible to call anyone in this country a Communist. To say this even of Mr. John Gollan is a 'smear,' to suggest it of certain of the Labour forty is worse than a smear, it is rank Nazism. To hear some of these people talk—and I expect they will be saying it more loudly in the near future—politics, real politics as opposed to the limp variety, is assuming a role similar to that which sex played in certain sectors of mid-Victorian society. (For the dotty Left, of course, sex is now the very opposite of taboo. It should be discussed, at the top of the voice, incessantly, and is.) It will not be long before those insistent voices will pass on from saying that there are no Communists to telling us that, in politics, ladies don't move.