28 DECEMBER 1962, page 19
Killed And Dissected
Dickens and the Twentieth Century. Edited by John Gross and Gabriel Pearson. (Rout- - ledge, 32s.) AND what does the twentieth century make of Dickens? Dr. Leavis, of course,......
Fantastic Sense
Addictions. By D. J. Enright. (Chatto and Windus and Hogarth Press, 12s. fid.) ADDICTED, yes, but to what? To irony cer- tainly, an insistent self-critical but sometimes also......
The Barricade Mind
The Age of Revolution (1789-1848). By E. J. Hobsbawm. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 50s.) As a venture in a series entitled The History of Civilisation' this book is ambitious, but......