Estate Agents
SIR, —Whilst it was pleasing to read the manner in which Mr. Adrian welcomed the proposed Bill for the Registration of Estate Agents it would, we feel, have been pertinent for......
Washing Machines
SM. — The statement in Leslie Adrian's column of December 14 that retailers have to charge necessarily rather higher prices for their washing machines is simply not true. I......
Rack To The Charter Sitt,,-1 Was Delighted To Read Your
comments on the Government's new moves in the field of indust- rial training. The fact that the White Paper is long overdue does not make it less welcome. On two points though......
Dotty Left, What Now? Constantine Fitzgibbon Victims Of...
V. Mortimer Back to the Charter C. P. Walton Estate Agents S. R. Nevelt, S. L • Mould and H. C. Phillips Washing Machines D. M. Keegan Pistol-Packing Nicolas Walter Brunei Our......
Victims Of Nazlsm
SIR,--One may sympathise with Mr. Robert Bolt's plea on behalf of the Association of Victims of Nazism. which, he says,' is threatened with pro- scription in West Germany, but......