RACK TO THE CHARTER Sitt,,-1 was delighted to read your
comments on the Government's new moves in the field of indust- rial training. The fact that the White Paper is long overdue does not make it less welcome.
On two points though we would differ from you in the concluding sentences of your article. A crash programme for technologists may be necessary— but it is not needed merely for technologists who are of graduate status and thus of the industrial elite. The need is as great for technicians and crafts- men. And it is not simply a question of school- leavers 'finding an adequate job early enough.' What is needed is much more flexibility in training and in age of entry to training. We should be moving away from the idea that apprenticeship is 'serving your time' from sixteen to twenty-one, and that the opportunity for training is linked with age. C. P. WALTON Honorary Secretary Institute of Youth Employment Officers,