28 DECEMBER 1962, page 14


Silt,—David Rees says, in defence of Western espionage, that 'a pistol held by a law-abiding citizen in self - defence is hardly the same as One wielded by a robber.' Why? Is it......


SIR,—While endorsing all Mr. Kerr says to explain the rising in Brunei with that territory's limited op- portunity and still more limited Sultan, I fail to see what any of this......

Washing Machines

SM. — The statement in Leslie Adrian's column of December 14 that retailers have to charge necessarily rather higher prices for their washing machines is simply not true. I......

New Power Arising

Stn,-1 think your article under this title admirable, but I feel that one reason for the irritation Mdr: Acheson caused was — possibly purposely —olist Unlike the US, the......

Stn,—england's Foundations Crumble. The Bolt Th At Holds...

threatens to come out 3f itS aerial socket. Britain, we are told, is played out as r an independent power. Royalty itself is in da ng n c from a European federation. This view,......