SIR,—While endorsing all Mr. Kerr says to explain the rising in Brunei with that territory's limited op- portunity and still more limited Sultan, I fail to see what any of this has to do with the simultaneous rising in Sarawak, which has more opportunities and no sultan. In fact, to judge from Abd-el-Rahman's wave ot arrests there have been repercussions as far off as Malaya. So, while I agree with Mr. Kerr's facts about Brunei, I maintain they only contributed, to, but did not cause, the unrest seething over al this area which springs from the frustration of 3 generation that will no longer submit to the Patel' nalism of princes under foreign influence, or Western. advisers or Western ownership of their mmerat wealth, an outcome that a more imaginative RP. proach on our part would have anticipated, COO- ciliated and avoided. Federations devised to suit Whitehall work ne. better in South-East Asia than they do in Centrat Africa, in the Caribbean, or in Aden; sultan of 11° sultan. YOUR BRUNEI CORRESPONDENT