SIR,—Whilst it was pleasing to read the manner in which Mr. Adrian welcomed the proposed Bill for the Registration of Estate Agents it would, we feel, have been pertinent for him to have pointed out that the proposals are actively supported by the three organisations whom we have the honour to represent, and this fact is indicated clearly on the memorandum published on behalf of all the leading professional bodies.
The last paragraph of Mr. Adrian's welcome comments also may give rise to serious misunder- standing in that it could be interpreted as meaning that only members of the four bodies he names subscribe to a code of conduct when, of course, members of our three organisations subscribe to similar codes and our councils can, and do, deal with any complaints which appear to indicate an infringement of these codes.
Perhaps you could clear any misconception by pointing out that the public can safely deal with members of all the supporting bodies on whose behalf we write.
S. R. NEVELL Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors S. L. THOULD Rating and Valuation Association H. C. PHILLIPS Valuers' Institution 29 Be/grave Square. SW!