Mr. Chamberlain, addressing the Scottish Unionist Association_ at Glasgow, on
Thursday, January 19th, declared that the Prime Minister, before and after the Cannes Conference, had consulted his leading colleagues on the subject of a dissolution, and that they were agreed on the necessity of postponing it. The solution of the Irish question on the lines of the " Treaty " must first be completed. In a speech later in the day, Mr. Chamberlain defended the Coalition and urged that it should be continued. The House of Lords must be reformed and its powers revised Expenditure must be reduced by £150,000,000 or £200,000,000 to make both ends meet. The Labour Party was a grave menace to social and economic order and to our oldest institutions. It would be foolish, Mr. Chamberlain thought, for the Unionists at such a time wantonly to break the alliance with their Liberal friends which had steered the country through the perils of war and the .difficulties of peace.