The Prime Minister Emphasized The Importance Of The...
Conference, which was designed to put an end to wars and rumours of wars. " You cannot build up business on that rocking foundation of earthquakes." The gibers mocked at a......
Possibly Lord Bryce's Intimacy With America Did Not, At...
encourage a good understanding between Americans and English- men so much as it might have done, because he was regarded as an extreme Radical who despised many 'British......
Lord Grey Said That He Had Returned To Active Politics
because the House of Commons had allowed the Government to do what they pleased, and the coming election would afford an oppor- tunity of calling the Government to account. He......
In Conclusion, The Prime Minister Referred To The Geddes...
" People talk about the axe. They have no idea how many nails there are in the wood." The Report of the Committee would be published when it was completed. It would provoke......
We Greatly Regret To Record The Death Of Lord Bryce,
which occurred last Sunday. He will be as much mourned in America as here. His was a life of extraordinary intellectual productive- ness. He took the whole world for his......
The Prime Minister Addressed The Coalition Liberal...
He ridiculed Mr. Asquith's claim to take credit for the Irish " Treaty." That settlement, he said, had enhanced Great Britain's prestige, and the Unionists in the Coalition were......
The Prime Minister Went On To Say That The Country,
faced with a trade depression and much unemployment, needed the restoration of international confidence, which could only come through the establishment of a real peace in the......
Mr. Churchill Went On To Denounce " The Organized Propa-
ganda of Socialism, with its outrageous threats and its grotesque fallacies," which, if not faced with courage, would be a danger of the gravest kind. The advent of a Socialist......
We Are Very Glad To See That A Further Portion
of Box Hill, some seventy acres in extent, has been presented to the nation. Part of the hill was secured for the National Trust some time ago. The new gift, made with......
Mr. Asquith And Lord Grey Of Fallodon Spoke At A
large meeting of Independent Liberals at Westminster on Monday, in reply to the Prime 'Minister. Mr. Asquith contested the-claim of the Coalition Liberal Conference to represent......
Since We Published Our Two Articles On " Is The
Spectator ' Bitterly Hostile ' to America ? " we have received yet another communication. Mr. Bishop, the friend and biographer of Theodore Roosevelt, who knows with exactitude......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Amt., Changed From 54 Per Cent.
Nov. 3, 1921 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 9341 Thursday week, 93i ; a year ago, 84.......