We greatly regret to record the death of Lord Bryce,
which occurred last Sunday. He will be as much mourned in America as here. His was a life of extraordinary intellectual productive- ness. He took the whole world for his intellectual province and he had an insatiable desire to observe and to understand. Even when he was spending a holiday in his favourite pursuit of travelling or climbing h was storing up information. At Oxford he had a most distinguished career and was a notable prize-winner. His Arnold Prize Essay on the Holy Roman Empire war afterwards expanded into the well-known book which was published in 1864. But his work which will live longest was not his book about the country which, as the cynical historian said, " was not Holy, was not Roman, and was not an Empire," but his book entitled The American Commonwealth. There has been no more penetrating study of the United States and it made Lord Bryce admired by every American.