The Irish Policy Of The Government.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sra,—Your correspondent Mr. P. E. Roberts makes a good case logically against the Government's Irish policy in general, but logic is an......
[to The Editor Or The " Ser.ceseon."1 Ssa,—apropos Of The
query in your review of Professor McDougall's National Welfare and National Decay as to some piece of "eugenic literature" or record of "dynasties of talent," there is at least......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectator:9 Sir, — The Writer Of
the review of Professor McDougall's book, National Welfare and National Decay (Spectator, January 14th), asks why " there are not records of dynasties of talent." An obvious......
The "spectator's " Irish Policy.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") have read with great attention your footnote to my letter (kindly inserted in your issue of January 7th), but I am still not quite clear on......
The Palestine Arab Delegation.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Stn,—In the January 7th issue of the Spectator it was wrongly stated that the Palestine Arab Delegation had left England disappointed. As a......
Every Man His Own Skipper.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As your article under the above heading in the issue of the Spectator of January 21st includes me and my latest book in a sympathetic......