In Fact, It Is Believed That M. Poincare Wants Over
and above the guarantee a formal military convention. It is further stated that M. Palmeri proposes that a special sense should be incorporated into the phrase " unprovoked......
Let Us Now Turn To The Speech Which M. Poincare
made in the French Chamber on Thursday, January 19th. It was genera,: in form and was devoid of the eloquent passion of M. Briand. M. Poineare said that a disgraceful propaganda......
News Of The Week.
1 T is not yet known with accuracy what M. Poincare 1 as proposed in the way of a pact between Britain and France to take the place of the pact which Mr. Lloyd George offered in......
Finally, Though The Rumours In This Connexion Are Vague, M
Poincare is credited with desiring to make Great Britain in some way or other responsible together with France for main- taining Poland. We are sorry to have to say that these......
In France's Relations With Germany Reparation Did And...
precedence over all other questions. If Germany did not pay, France, with the co-operation of the Inter-Allied Commis- sion, would be compelled to take measures. One measure......
Meanwhile, It Becomes Clear That The Estrangement From...
has been caused in America by the French attitude at the Washington Conference is much deeper than the French understand. The general feeling of Americans, statesmen and people......
" Unfortunately," The Americans Go On To Say, " France
has led We - 'way in - making the Genoa Conference from our point of view almost meaningless. We wanted to reduce armaments not merely in order to prevent war, but to release......
M. Poincare Criticized The Whole Policy Of Conducting...
by conference and strongly indicated his preference for the old methods of diplomacy. It was not, however, a very good omen that he spoke of the Angora Treaty with the Turks as......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......