The Indian Legislative Assembly last week rejected, by 52 votes
to 36; a motion demanding a " round-table conference " between the Viceroy, the Moderate Nationalists and Mr. Gandhi. Sir C. S. Nair,. an Indian who has served in the Viceroy's Council, had meanwhile declared publicly that it was impossible to deal with Mr. Gandhi, whose minimum demands. included the evacuation of Syria and Egypt by the French and the British, the grant of full Dominion. status to India, the release of all " political " prisoners and the cancellation of the pensions enjoyed by Sir Michael O'Dwyer and General Dyer. Mr. Gandhi continues to preach " non-violent non-co-operation " and " civil disobedience." His followers commit all kinds of outrages on those who do not approve of the Mahatma, and timid Moderates describe any attempt to check this ruffianism as an interference with liberty.