Archbishop Walsh is becoming conscious that his relation to the
Irish people is more political than religious. In a letter to the Freeman's Journal, dated on Thursday week (June 19th), he calls attention to the critical division on the Ascot Cup day, in •which the Government obtained their narrow majority of four, and says that a number of Irish representatives were absent from their posts, and that by their absence " they saved the Government from a crushing defeat." He adds that there was no excuse for their absence, since it was well known that a critical division might take place ; and he concludes : " For my part, I feel bound to lose not a. moment in stating that if a satisfactory explanation be not forthcoming for what has occurred,—I do not care who the absentees may be,—I shall find it hard to place any further trust in the action of the present Irish Parliamentary party." Archbishops are not often so frank in acknowledging their political character. If Dr. Walsh had been Mr. Parnell's Whip, he could hardly have announced himself more nn- disguisedly as a political instrument.