The Conservative Candidate At Barrow, Mr. Wainwright, Is...
strong one, who in 1885, though unsuccessful, polled a splendid poll at Burnley, but who did not contest the seat in 1886, when Mr. Peter Rylands came forward as a Unionist......
Prince Bismarck Has Evidently Received Some Hint From The...
not to talk so much to interviewers, and is furiously angry thereat. On Sunday, a deputation from Berlin pre- sented him with an address from 30,000 citizens, and he addressed......
Whether Mr. Caine Will Be Returned Again For Barrow-in-...
is important only because it will show how far English electors resent this kind of political pettiness. Per- haps the best result of all would be a very emphatic rejection of......
Archbishop Walsh Is Becoming Conscious That His Relation...
Irish people is more political than religious. In a letter to the Freeman's Journal, dated on Thursday week (June 19th), he calls attention to the critical division on the Ascot......
On Monday, Mr. Caine, Who Has Posed Throughout The...
of the licensing question as the heroic protagonist of the Temperance party, asked the First Lord of the Treasury whether the Government proposed to proceed with the Local......
Mr. Caine Himself Applied On The Spot For The Chiltern
Hundreds, in order that he might vacate his seat for Barrow-in-Furness and test the feeling of his constituents by asking for re-election, which he evidently hoped would elicit......
Reports Are Current, Not Uncommon At This Season, Of The
reopening of the Eastern Question. The Bulgarian Note mentioned last week, demanding of the Sultan recognition for Prince Ferdinand, has been followed by a Note from the Russian......
Upon Receiving This Reply, The Extreme Temperance Party...
meeting under the presidency of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, and came to the conclusion that this suggestion placed them in a worse rather than in a better position for the resistance......
Lord Morris (better Known To Most Of Us As Sir
Michael Morris, the ex-Lord Chief Justice of Ireland) made a lively speech at the Cecil Club on Wednesday, on the best way of promoting Constitutionalism in a democratic......