The Revelation Of John. By P. W. Grant. (hodder And
Stoughton.) —Mr. Grant has made a very laborious attempt to expound the Apocalypse. It is quite impossible to examine his exegesis in detail ; but we may say that the key of it......
Steadfast : The Story Of A Saint And A Sinner.
By R. T. Cooke. (Trabner and Co.)—This book tells with much ability and force the story of the experiences of Parson Hall in his marriages and in his relations with his clerical......
Its Publication. Very Little Of His Work Appears In It.
Five plays are included — Timon of Athens, Cymbeline, The Tempest, Titus Andronicus, and The Winter's Tale. Various contributors have assisted in the work, among them Mr.......
Novels And Tales.--a Lady Horse Breaker. By Mrs. Conney. 3
vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)—Mrs. Conney has written a lively and readable story. The first volume is the best, as is often the case in these books, not so much because the......
Historical Tales And Legends Of Ayrshire. By W....
Adams, and Co.)—Ayrshire is noted for some of the bloodiest feuds that have ever made the Scotch famous. Mr. Robertson, we need scarcely add, does full justice to them. The......
Evenings With Shakespeare. By L. M. Griffiths. (j. W. Arrow-
smith : Bristol.)—There is much curious matter iu this volume, and a number of very elaborate tables, relating not only to Shake- speare's dramas, but to a number of plays in......
King Squash Of Toadyland. By An Envoy Extraordinary....
Tuer.)—This is a very neat and honest piece of satire on the Court, customs, and laws of a country called Toadyland, whose real name there is no need to reveal. It is very well......
Sevastopol. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi. Translated From The...
by Isabel F. Hopgood. (Walter Scott.)—A. more striking example of the sombre realism of Tasters work could not be found than this story. Story, indeed, one may say that there is......
The " Argonautic A " Of Apollonius Lik,odius. Translated...
English Prose by Edward P. Coleridge. (Bell and Sons.)—From the literary point of view, Mr. Coleridge's translation is satis- factory. The style is dignified, the rhythm of the......
An Artist's Tour Through America And The Sandwich...
B. Kroupa. (Ward and Downey.)—This artist's tour is written with considerable vivacity, and much more than the usual descrip- tive talent peculiar to the travels of artists. Not......
Geo F Frey Hallam. By J. Jackson Wray. (nisbet And...
a story of early Methodist days. The hero is a parish clerk who begins by hating the movement of Wesley and ends by loving it. His vicar thinks him too valuable a servant to......