Historical Tales and Legends of Ayrshire. By W. Robertson. (Hamilton,
Adams, and Co.)—Ayrshire is noted for some of the bloodiest feuds that have ever made the Scotch famous. Mr. Robertson, we need scarcely add, does full justice to them. The names of Cunninghame and Montgomery stand at the head of the list of family feuds, and with them the volume commences, We should have preferred more folk-lore, more legendary lore, than these bloody episodes of history. There is a sickening amount of treachery always present, and we look in vain for a redeeming touch of generosity, or fair-play. The Ayrshire feuds are, we know, rather a bad sample of Scotch honour in fighting. Mr. Robertson treats his subject graphically and with plenty of enthusiasm, and it certainly has an interest of its own.