28 JUNE 1890, page 44

Its Publication. Very Little Of His Work Appears In It.

Five plays are included — Timon of Athens, Cymbeline, The Tempest, Titus Andronicus, and The Winter's Tale. Various contributors have assisted in the work, among them Mr.......

The Dead Sailor, And Other Stories. By Sir J. C.

Robinson. (Began Paul, Trench and Co.)—These are stories of the supernatural kind. In The Dead Sailor, a corpse plays a part not unlike that of a vam- pire, and can only be......

Reports Of The State Trials. New Series. Vol. Il-1823 To

1831. Edited by John Macdonell, M.A. (Eyre and Spottiswoode.)—Mr. Macdonell, the editor of the " State Trials—New Series," has not allowed his new duties as Master of the......

Problems In The New Testament. Critical Essays By W. Spicer

Wood, M.A. (Rivingtons.)—In this little volume Mr. Wood dis- cusses twenty-five passages of more or less difficulty. The " Rock on which the Church is built," " The Slave's Call......

The House Of The Wolf. By Stanley J. Weyman. (longmans.)

—This " Romance " of the times of the St. Bartholomew massacre professes to be "a modern English version of a curious French memoir or fragment of autobiography." We can only......

Mrs. Digby Kaufman Of Bayswater. By Mrs. Mark Herbert,...

and Long.)—At the beginning of this story we are led to suppose that the misdoing of Mrs. Digby Kaufman consists in her utilising in literary matters private family histories.......

A Fairy Godfather. Edited By J. A. Goodchild. (remington And

Co.)—We might say that these chapters are studies of human life as regarded from without. The " Fairy Godfather " has an interest in a certain child assigned to him by his......

The Hymn - Lover. By W. Garrett Horder. (j. Curwen And...

Horder prefaces the main subject of his work, " an account of the rise and growth of English hymnody," with some interesting chapters on kindred topics. First we have an account......