An Artist's Tour through America and the Sandwich Islands. By
B. Kroupa. (Ward and Downey.)—This artist's tour is written with considerable vivacity, and much more than the usual descrip- tive talent peculiar to the travels of artists. Not only does Mr. Kroupa more than supplement his pencil, but he is, in addition, humorous, pathetic, and romantic, and has many stories and details to tell us which bring vividly before the mind the original characters which the West produces in such abundance. There is one romance of real life which is particularly touching and in- teresting. We can follow him with pleasure as he takes us to the Big Trees, over Central America, the Panama Isthmus, the Sierras, and describes San Francisco and its Chinese quarter in a manner which enables us to realise the habits of the Celestials better than we have ever done before. It is fortunate that Mr. Kroupa is at home with his pen, for the illustrations have certainly not done justice to his pencil, which we are sure is quite capable of an enthusiastic rendering of fine scenery.