The Conservative candidate at Barrow, Mr. Wainwright, is a very
strong one, who in 1885, though unsuccessful, polled a splendid poll at Burnley, but who did not contest the seat in 1886, when Mr. Peter Rylands came forward as a Unionist candidate. Mr. Wainwright will receive not only the hearty support of the Conservatives, but the full confidence of the Liberal Unionists, as Lord Hartington has himself declared in his favour. As yet, the Gladstonians are supporting Mr. Duncan against Mr. Caine, though Mr. Gladstone inclined to dissuade his followers from opposing so successful a marplot as Mr. Caine. Whether in the end Mr. Duncan will withdraw or not, is as yet doubtful. He is evidently not at all inclined to do so, but pressure may be put upon him to play into Mr. Caine's hands. But whether Mr. Duncan withdraws or not, we hope that Mrs Wainwright will carry the seat.