28 MARCH 1941, Page 12


SIR,—In a recent issue of The Spectator I noticed the remark about the listeners to the London broadcasting in Czecho-Slovakia: "In Czecho-Slovakia anything broadcast by the B.B.C. is known throughout the country within a few hours." I can assure you that this quotation from the Handbook of the B.B.C. fully corresponds with reality. I am a soldier of the Czecho-Slovak Army in these and was one of those Prague University students who succeeded in escaping from the November massacre and in joining our Army in France. Well, I can tell you what our people are listening to. They refuse to read the Czech Press controlled by the Nazis, and the B.B.C. broad- casting is the only source of information for them. The prestige of the British, weakened after Munich, is now restored in Czeclao- Slovakia, and you can look on all the Czecho-Slovaks as of the best of