28 MARCH 1941, page 3

As In The Case Of Men There Are Serious Discrepancies

over the rates of wages, as, for example, between domestic service and munition work. Again there is obviously something wrong with the whole organisation of the nursing......

With This Background And In This Mood There Was Recently

held a novel debate by the women members of Parliament. Let me say immediately that the standard of speaking and debating ability was high. Miss Megan Lloyd George made some......

Mr. Morrison Spoke With His - Usual Fluency And Knowledge

on the new National Service Bill. Apparently he proposes to initiate a new national and mobile force of civil defence workers, in order to fill up essential gaps in the......


One Railway System ?

Though no official announcement has yet been made, there ppears to be substance in the report that the whole of the railway systems of this -country are about to be brought......

The Week In Parliament

Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: The House of Commons is waking up—perhaps I should say the Government is being awakened—to the need of mobilising man- and woman- power......

The Quality Of The Army

The land forces of this country, said Lord Croft in the House of Lords last Tuesday, have been multiplied ten times in less than two years. These figures, of course, include the......

Aeroplane Output

Lord Beaverbrook's broadcast last Sunday was announced (by its author) as being " an account of the state of our nefer planes," but roughly half of it was devoted to a eulogy of......