28 MARCH 1941, page 13

Are Countrymen Unfriendly ?

SIR,—Mr. R. E. Bates asks " Is it true that country people, and especially south country people, are unfriendly?" This subject greatly interests me, but for considerations of......

Feeding The Forces

SIR,—It is a pity that those in control of our food supplies and the use of them by the Forces do not regard the psychological aspect of nourishment—at least we never sec any......

Napoleon's Prisoners Of War Sat,—war Brings The Same...

each succeeding generation. Sometimes the means of dealing with them vary little: in the exhibi- tion of invasion pamphlets and broadsides in the Bodleian Library the arguments......

Britain And Abyssinia Stu,—your Note On " Alliance With...

" in " News of the Week " in the issue of March 21st is both timely and much to be welcomed. It is most true that " the relation of an independent Abys- sinia and Great Britain......

The New Lettre De Cachet Sta,—parliament Was Invented To...

the Executive in defence of Englishmen's liberties. The right of trial before prolonged imprison- ment is one of our most cherished liberties. The guilt or innocence suspected......