Air-raid Victims And The Purchase-tax Stit,—the Effect Of...
on air-raid victims bears very hardly in some cases, and, as far as my enquiries go, no Government legislation is in existence, or contemplated, to relieve sufferers. May I......
Green Hellebore One Of The Small Delights Of Spring Has
been the wild English hellebore: a green-flowered miniature of the Christmas rose. There are two English species, and this, viridis, is the smaller. Sowerby and in fact most......
Country Life
Bark Harvest Most of us, I suppose, think of hay-time as the first harvest of the year. But a chance advertisement, " flawers wanted for oak-bait harvest," reminds me that there......
Conservate Socialism " Sir,—mr. Hamilton Fyfe's Letter...
points: that agreement about fundamentals is essential to the working of democracy ; that there is a general acceptance of the necessity for Socialism or the omnicompetent State......
" A New Start With Farming " Stn,—may I Correct
a misprint (due no doubt to my handwriting) in the letter from me which you were good enough to print in your issue of 21st inst.? I wrote: " If unsubsidised farming, reasonable......
Raid Thank-offerings Sir, — From Several Quarters I Have...
that I should supply boxes in which households should place thanks- offerings of varying amounts for a peaceful night or for a night with raids but no damage to person or......
Saving Paper Sir, —" Janus " In His Recent References To
paper-shortage referred to scores of publications which serve no useful purpose at all. I would like to draw attention to the thousands of company-reports which are circulated......
Plain Vegetables About Seventy Varieties Of Vegetables...
in this column during the last few months, as much as an incentive to the use of a little imagination in the kitchen garden as anything else; readers have shown great interest......
In The Garden My Recent Note On The Urgent Need
for growing six times et perhaps even ten times more tomatoes than in a normal Year brought a surprising number of requests "not to be silly." Thes e ' I noted, came mostly from......
Britain And Abyssinia Stu,—your Note On " Alliance With...
" in " News of the Week " in the issue of March 21st is both timely and much to be welcomed. It is most true that " the relation of an independent Abys- sinia and Great Britain......