HERE is less unsettlement at the Ministry of Aircraft Pro- duction than there was. Air-Marshal Sir John Salmond s gone. Sir Charles Bruce-Gardner has gone. The Society of ritish Aircraft Constructors, of which he is chairman, asked m to come back ; it is hardly conceivable that they should ave asked that if Sir Charles had wanted them not to ask it. ut Sir Henry Tizard has returned to his post as head of the earth and development department of the Ministry. Sir nry, as a pilot in the last war and since then Rector of the pedal College of Science and Technology, represents a fugue combination of technical and operational knowledge. ord Beaverbrook did not include him among the members of Ministry to be eulogised by name in his broadcast last unday, but since special tribute was paid to the research partment generally Sir Henry may perhaps claim his share laurels. The truth about the whole business is probably hat Mr. Beverley Baxter, formerly editor of Lord Beaver- ook's Daily Express, managed to suggest in a recent debate the House of Commons, before he was pulled up: " You ye to accept this extraordinary man, with all the attendant fficulties, as one who undoubtedly possesses to a marked gree —" What? Thanks to the Deputy-Speaker's check e shall never know. Let us call it just " It."
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