Mr. Duff Cooper's statement that he was considering an rease
in the number of Governors of the B.B.C. is welcome. he reduction from seven members to two, of whom one ppears to predominate considerably3 meant changing the litical complexion of the Board substantially, for it involved upping Governors like Dr. H. A. L. Fisher (who has since ed), Dr. J. J. Mallon and Miss Margery Fry. It is true that re are no party politics today, but there is such a thing a progressive outlook, and it is to be hoped that among new Governors, if there are any, there will be someone ho represents it. Meanwhile the interesting fact that . A. P. Herbert is to be responsible for the Sunday night stscript for the next few weeks in place of Mr. J. B. Priestley being invested with what seems a rather misplaced signifi- ce. Mr. Priestley would never claim the title to the stscript period indefinitely and without intermission, and it a great pity for anyone to talk pointedly about his being dropped." The B.B.C.'s own apt description of recourse to . Herbert as simply " a change of bowling " puts the whole ng in the right light. Mr. Priestley need not be elevated into symbol,--of Priestleyism or anything else.
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