[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The appeal for "Flowers for Friedenheim " that you kindly inserted in the Spectator of April 2nd has brought so generous a response that I venture to ask you to be the means of letting the kind donors of money and plants know how much pleasure and delight their gifts brought to the inmates of the Home of Peace. The wards were beautified for Easter and the conservatory is once more filled, the patients are delighted with "our flowers," and show them with a touching pride to their visitors. Not only is the conservatory filled, but I have enough money in hand to keep it going, with care, for some time, as the plants will need constant renewing. Gifts of cut flowers for the wards are always welcome and most gratefully received by Miss Davidson, " Friedenheim," Upper Avenue Road, N.W. Flowers bring their own message to the sick and dying.—I am, Sir, &c.,