[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—We also in Italy produce a fine breed of "bulls.' Here is an example. My servant was sent the other day to bespeak an early cab for the......
HEREAFTER. WHAT, you saw Gladstone ? men will sometime ask ; Had he that look, as if he, straining, saw A tiger creeping on an innocent child, And none to help it; or a serpent......
The Aid Grant.
[To THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR."] Stn,—The circular recently issued by the Education Depart- ment for the instruction of the Associations of Voluntary Schools is putting the......
TWO BOOKS ON DANTE.* THERE is abundant evidence of the increasing study of Dante in England and America, a fact on which we may well congratulate English-speaking peoples, who......