Private Bill Procedure. By Cyril Dodd, Q.c., And H. W.
W. Wilberforce. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 75. 6d.)—The authors of this little work have aimed at providing for the practitioner, within the limits of a book of moderate size, such......
The Poetical Works Of Jean Ingelow. With A Portrait. (long-
mans and Co. 7s. 6d.)—" What think you of Jean Ingelow, the wonderful poet ?" Christina Rossetti wrote in 1863, and it was with something like wonder that her earliest "Poems,"......
Thirty Years Of American Finance, 1865-1896. By Alexander...
(G. P. Putnam's Sons )—This book is what it pro- fesses to be, a careful account, without abstract economic dis- cussion, of the series of financial events of the period chosen.......
A Sketch Of The Natural History (vertebrates) Of The British
islands. By F. G. Aflalo. (William Blackwood and Sons.)—Zoology is a progressive science, and even in the British fauna new discoveries are for ever being made and the results......
The Bible References Of John Ruskin. By Mary And Ellen
Gibbs. (George Allen.)—" To my early knowledge of the Bible," says Ruskin, "I owe the best part of my taste in literature, and the most precious, an d, on the whole, the one......
The Free Trade Movement. By G. Armitage Smith, M.a. "
Vic- torian Era Series." (Blackie and Son.)—To the question whether the practice of Free-trade is destined to be a permanent feature of British policy we believe there can be......
Harry Druidale, Fisherman From Manzland To England. By...
(Macmillan and Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—Brought up on the banks of the river Neb, in the Isle of Man, Harry Druidale became an ardent angler from his earliest youth, and of the various......
The Story Of A Red Deer. By The Hon. J.
W. Fortescue. (Macmillan and Co.)—We opened this book with rather a. prejudice against stories in which animals are made to talk like human beings, and were most agreeably......
Lines From Mit Log - Books. By Admiral The Right Hon. Sir
John Dalrymple Hay, Bart. (David Douglas, Edinburgh. 18s.)— The sixty years which have passed since Admiral Sir John Hay joined his first ship in 1834 have been fraught with......