Russia And England.
[TO Tug EDITOR Or THZ " SYRCIATOR.1 SIR,—You are quite right as to the folly of going to war with Russia, on every ground,—and certainly for trade. Oar trade with Russia for......
Letters To The Editor.
A MEMORIAL TO MR. GLADSTONE. [TO THE EDITOR OF THZ SPECTATOIC.J Sin,—If it should be the desire of the English people to raise some memorial to Mr. Gladstone besides that which......
Dean Church's Village Sermons.
[To THR EDITOR 07 TIM " SPECTATOR:1 Sin.—You recommended Dean Church's sermons in the Spectator of May 14th as models for the village preacher. May I ask, not captiously,......
Ancient Vineyards In England.
[To THE EDITOR Or Tug " SFECTATOR." . ] Srn,—Concerning vineyards in England, .1 send you the following extract from "A Treatise of Fruit-Trees," by R. A. Austen, the third......
Flowers For Friedenheide.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The appeal for "Flowers for Friedenheim " that you kindly inserted in the Spectator of April 2nd has brought so generous a response that......
When War Breaks Out.
[TO THR EDITOR OF THR " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—In regard to your criticisms in your very kind notice, in the Spectator of May 21st, of "When War Breaks Out," may we point out certain......