34 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, April 21st, 1882.
DEAR SIR,—I have duly received your letter of 17th inst., which is evidently written under a misapprehension. The Government have never said that the question of a two-thirds majority was a matter of confidence. On the contrary, we were told that if we supported them on Mr. Marriott's amendment as I did), the details of the Rule were to be open for dis- cussion.
I am disposed to think, also, that you greatly underrate the number of the Liberals who object to the ClOture by a bare majority. I am sorry if I seem to you in any way deficient in modesty, but I believe that few would be found who would care to serve in the House of Commons on condition of voting against what they thought right.—I remain, your obedient servant, JOHN LUBBOCK. HENRY P. COBB, Esq.