29 APRIL 1882, page 14

Darwinism And Christianity.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECT ATOR:] you allow me to call your attention to one sentence in your very interesting review of Professor Asa Gray's " Natural Science and Religion......


ON "THE BEACONSFIELD BOUQUET." FLOWERS, the Eastern poets taught, Are the symbolic speech of thought. Plain meanings pleased their healthy taste ; Roses were loving, lilies......


PROFESSOR JEBB'S " BENTLEY."* • PROFESSOR JEBB'S volume on Bentley, which has just been added to Mr. Morley's series, presents a considerable mass of knowledge and criticism, in......

Church Councils And Ritual.

LTD THE EDITOR OF THE " SPE CT•TOR."] Sia,—There seems to be one solution of the question of Ritual in the future which has not been touched upon by your many correspondents. It......