29 APRIL 1882, page 12

Wealdstone House, Harrow Weald, April 24th, 1882. Dear...

to thank you for your letter of the 21st inst., and to apologise for again troubling you. It is quite possible that I may have written under a misapprehension, but I do not......

34 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, April 261h, 1882. Dear...

have duly received your second letter, and can only repeat that we understood that the question of confidence was on the acceptance of the Cloture generally, and that afterwards......

34 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, April 21st, 1882.

DEAR SIR,—I have duly received your letter of 17th inst., which is evidently written under a misapprehension. The Government have never said that the question of a two-thirds......

Letters To The Editor.

THE FARMERS AND TENANT RIGHT. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011."] SIR,—Mr. Bear, in his letter to you, complicates a very simple question by all sorts of confused and......


THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON AND THE CLOTURE. [We have received the following correspondence between Sir John Lubbock and one of his constituents.—En. Spectator.] Wealdstone House,......