29 APRIL 1882, page 3

The Influence Of The Irish Vote Is Felt Even In

Canada. The Parliament of Ottawa, which represents the whole Dominion, has, with the consent of Sir J. Macdonald and the Ministry, carried a resolution for an address to the......

We Publish In Another Column A Correspondence Between Sir...

Lubbock and one of his constituents, Mr. Henry Cobb, on the subject of Sir John Lubbock's resistance to the Closure, if carried by a bare majority. We have a great respect for......

Professor Kuenen, Of Leyden, Who Is Delivering A Coarse Of

Hibbert Lectures, both in London and Oxford, devoted the most interesting which he has yet given to the subject of "The Popular Religion of Israel : Priests and Prophets of......

The Poisoner Lamson, Though Twice Respited, Was Executed...

a.m. on Friday, the Home Secretary finding no reason in the evidence sent from America to justify interference with the law. That evidence only proved that the convict came of a......

Mr. Leighton On Tuesday Evening Moved A Resolution Con-...

the system of allowing private persons to profit by the continued incarceration of lunatics, and affirming that all lunatics should be committed to the care of the State. An......

We Greatly Regret To Announce The Death On Sunday Last

of Mr. W. B. Rands, better known, perhaps, under the sobriquets of Matthew Browne and Henry Holbeach, or as the author of " Lilliput Lev6e," a subtle and charming writer, who......

Consols Were On Friday 101; To 1011.


Professor Tyndall Wrote A Most Elaborate Letter To The Times

of last Saturday, describing Professor Koch's experiments on the inoculation of rabbits and guinea-pigs with the germ of tubercular disease, which he finds to be a minute,......

The Standard Publishes A Rumour Which May Prove Of Great

interest for archaeologists. If we understand a rather confused statement, information has been received in Paris that M. Charnay, a French explorer, has discovered in the......

The Debate On The Corrupt Practices Bill Has Been Going

on all the week, and it is pretty clear that while the Bill will pass,. its most stringent provisions will be modified in committee. They go far beyond opinion, and in......