29 APRIL 1882, Page 1




National Debt S31,415.000 Customs £19,300,000 Army 15,458,000


27,230,000 India Home Charges 1,100,000 Stamps 11,145,000 Navy 10,484,000 Land Tax and House Duty 2,775.000 Afghan War 500,000 Income-tax 9,400,000 Civil Service 16,503,000 Yield of TAX03 Proper £69,850,000 Collection of Revenue 2,901,000 Post Office, Telegraphs, and

Particular Services 5.::.000

Post Ofilos, Telogrvphs,

Crown Lands, Interest on

Advances, M scellaneoas.. 14,505,000


£84,445.000 Irish Constabulary 180,000 Prisons Act 100,000 Due from Cape Colony 150,000 Cyprus 90,000 , Due from Natal 250,000 Minor Items 10,000 I Due from Turkey 90,000



—showing a surplus of £305,000, if no alteration were made. Mr. Gladstone has, however, promised to provide some relief for the local highway rates out of the Imperial revenue, and for this purpose he proposes to increase the tax on four-wheel car- riages,—the 15s. duties being raised to £1 ls., and the £2 2s. duties to £3 3s. This will yield £247,000, and increase the revenue of the year by that amount, so as to enable the Govern- ment to meet the expense of any proposal for granting Imperial relief to the highway rates which Parliament may agree to.