29 APRIL 1882, Page 2

A very remarkable movement against Germans in the Baltic provinces

of Russia has at length attracted the attention of the Government, and is being sharply put down. It is really like the movement against the Jews, communistic. The peasantry who are Slays, dislike the German landlords, and the towns- people are jealous of the prosperous German shopkeepers and professionals; and of late, both have been in such danger from local emeutes, that they have emigrated in numbers. The German Government, which always watches these Baltic pro- vinces, has remonstrated, and the officials in Esthonia have been sharply reprimanded. A popular almanac, full of abuse of Germans, has been suppressed, and the censors have been censured for allowing its publication. The Germans can take very good care of themselves, but the incident reveals the great existing danger of Russia, the spread of a bitter feeling against the well-to-do, which becomes active, if they are in any way visibly separated from the masses. The- feeling has undoubtedly been increased by the desire- prevailing at head-quarters to " Russify " Russia, but there is no evidence that the Court desires it to take the- form of violence. On the contrary, the Court is alarmed, and the Emperor has recently ordered that the trials of rioters- against the Jews shall take precedence of all others.