The remains of Mr. Darwin were interred on Wednesday in
Westminster Abbey, by the side of those of Sir John Herschel, an immense crowd of all kinds, from the members of his own family to men of eminence of all sets and views, Ministers, chiefs of Opposition, statesmen, men of literature, art, science, and law, all crowding to render to Mr. Darwin's great genius and noble character the last tribute of respect. The burial in Westminster Abbey of one who has caused so great a change in European opinion in the direction opposed to that of orthodox Christian theology, is an event which could hardly have taken place ten years ago, certainly not amid demonstrations of such universal respect. Does it mean that the general belief in Christianity has greatly dwindled in the last decade ? We should say not. Probably the number of real believers in Christ has increased, rather than diminished, in that period. But it does mean un- doubtedly that men are estimated infinitely more by their char- acters and lives, and infinitely less by their mere religious opinions than they were then.