KINGS Xii.) TO-DAY our Church ponders the scene
On Carmers height ; how that fierce throng, The prophets of the Punks queen, Called on their Baal loud and long To bless their blood-stained sacrifice, And show himself the god of lies ; And bow alone amid the press Of cruel liars, unappall'd, Upon the God of Righteousness And Mercy His true prophet calrd, To vindicate His righteous slain, And turn the people's heart again.
King Ahab'e envious eyes are dust, And Baarei liturgy has ceased, Yet prophets false and Kings unjust Still call him to their sacred feast; Still in his name the meek must die, And Naboth still be "set on high." But the same prayer ascends to heaven :
"Let it be known that Thou art God, Not Force nor Falsehood; and haat given
Thy people law and love." And God Still hears and from His heaven, men say, Answers by fire. Why not to-day ?