We Note With Satisfaction That Lord Kitchener Has Altered...
age to thirty-five. He had much better, however, have altered it to forty-five, which is now the age limit for ex-soldiers. At the other end of the scale he should, we think,......
On Thursday Night Was Published A New White Paper Containing
a report of the last incidents in Berlin written by our ifinbassador, Sir Edward Goschen. The Emperor had the bad taste to send an Aide-de-Camp to the Ambassador with a......
It Is Not Yet Known How Much The Germans Suffered,
but we can hardly doubt that their losses were very heavy. Our cavalry were as good as our infantry and our gunners, and there appear to have been cavalry charges quite in the......
The Accounts Of The First Phases Of The First Battle
that are now coming in from our wounded and from other sources show that our men not only acquitted themselves with great valour—that was certain—but showed the very greatest......
As We Write On Friday We Learn That Mr. Asquith
has made a serious statement in the House of Commons. Sir John French had just reported that in the fighting which took place between our Army and the enemy on Wednesday our......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Asquith Paid
an impressive tribute to the heroism of the Belgians, and moved an address expressing the thanks and the admiration of the House of Commons at the heroism displayed by the......
It Is Very Difficult To State Even Approximately The...
at the front. All we know definitely is that Sunday last found our troops in and around Mons in Belgium; that they were heavily engaged on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and......
We Are Delighted To Hear That Mr. Lloyd George Is
to take the field in a recruiting campaign, and we trust that Lord Curzon will stand by him. The Chancellor of the Exchequer could not be doing better or more legitimate work,......
The News From The North During The Week Can Only
be described as very good indeed. The greater part of East Prussia has been overrun by the Russians. Konigsberg, it is true, stands out as an island in the flood of advance, but......
The Only Other Definite News To Be Noted Is That
the Belgians are worrying the Germans from Antwerp, and that a force of British Marines has occupied Ostend—a move of no great importance, but one which the Navy can carry out......
Meantime The British People Must Have A Heart For Every
fate. They must look to the end that will crown the work. The only danger is that they may look to it in a fatalistic spirit, and not with that helpful and alert energy which......
In The Naval Theatre Of War We Have Done Well
during the week. On Thursday Mr. Churchill was enabled to announce in the Commons that the British cruiser Highflyer ' had, "off the coast of West Africa," sunk the swift German......