Meantime the British people must have a heart for every
fate. They must look to the end that will crown the work. The only danger is that they may look to it in a fatalistic spirit, and not with that helpful and alert energy which the situation calls for. If as a nation we do not awaken and spring to arms in our own defence, then indeed we shall be doomed and worthy of destruction. But what can we do P We can 'give Lord Kitchener and the Government the four hundred thousand men who remain to be obtained of the half-million asked for, and we can give them if we like in a month. It is in one sense a pitifully small contingent that we are asked to supply—about one per cent. of the population. If every woman and every man in the country who is over military ago will bend their will-power to getting the men, and getting them
quickly, and if every English home becomes a recruiting agency, we shalt not fail. The moral effect alone of getting four hundred thousand men in a month will be tremendous.